Job Detail

Android App Development Trainer Required : 60 hours : Online

  • Job typeJob type: Remote
  • Job Duration30 - 40 Hours
  • Project LevelMid Career Audience
  • //

Project detail

Android App Development Training

This course will teach you how to develop native Android applications using Java  programming languages and Android Studio IDE. You will learn how to use various Android components and libraries to create user interfaces. handle user interactions. manage app lifecycle and navigation. store and retrieve data. access web services. perform background tasks. send and receive broadcasts. display notifications. play and record media. use camera features. get location updates. and integrate maps in your app. You will also learn how to test. debug. deploy. and publish your app on Google Play Store or other platforms.


Duration: 60 Hours

Mode: Online

Table Of Content: Topics Duration
1 Introduction to Android App Development: What is Android, Android Architecture, Android Studio, Android Components, Android Emulator, Android Project Structure, Android Manifest, Gradle, etc. 4 hours
2 User Interface Design in Android: Views, ViewGroups, Layouts, Widgets, Text and Input Controls, Buttons and Click Listeners, Menus, Dialogs, Toasts, Snackbars, etc. 8 hours
3 Activities and Intents in Android: Activity Lifecycle, Activity States, Activity Stack, Intent Types, Intent Filters, Data Passing, Activity Results, etc. 6 hours
4 Fragments and Navigation in Android: Fragment Lifecycle, Fragment Transactions, Fragment Manager, Navigation Component, Navigation Graph, Navigation UI, etc. 6 hours
5 Data Storage and Persistence in Android: Shared Preferences, Internal and External Storage, SQLite Database, Room Persistence Library, Content Providers, etc. 8 hours
6 Networking and Web Services in Android: Internet Permission, HTTP Clients, JSON Parsing, Retrofit Library, Volley Library, OkHttp Library, etc. 6 hours
7 Background Tasks and Services in Android: AsyncTask Class, WorkManager Class, Service Types, Service Lifecycle, Bound Services, Intent Services, etc. 6 hours
8 Broadcast Receivers and Notifications in Android: Broadcast Types, Broadcast Registration, Broadcast Intents and Extras, Notification Channels and Categories, Notification Builder and Manager, etc. 4 hours
9 Multimedia and Camera in Android: Audio and Video Playback and Recording, Media Player and Recorder Classes, Camera API and CameraX Library, Image Capture and Analysis Use Cases. etc. 6 hours
10 Location and Maps in Android: Location Permission and Services. Fused Location Provider API. Geocoder Class. Google Maps API. MapView and MapFragment Classes. Markers and Polylines. etc. 6 hours

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