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Web Development Training


Training: Web Development Indepth

Duration: 42 Hours


Table Of Content


Module 1: Web Development Fundamentals (6 hours)

  • Introduction to Web Development:
    • History and evolution of the web
    • Basic web technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
    • Client-side vs. server-side development
  • HTML and CSS:
    • Building basic web pages with HTML tags
    • CSS syntax and selectors for styling
    • Responsive web design and layout techniques
  • JavaScript Fundamentals:
    • Variables, data types, operators
    • Control flow statements and functions
    • DOM manipulation and event handling

Module 2: Front-End Development with Frameworks (12 hours)

  • Client-side JavaScript Frameworks:
    • Introduction to popular frameworks like React, Angular, Vue.js
    • Building interactive and dynamic web applications
    • Component-based architecture and data binding
  • Front-End Design and User Interface (UI) Development:
    • Design principles and best practices
    • UI frameworks like Bootstrap and Material Design
    • Accessibility and responsive design considerations
  • API Integration and Data Fetching:
    • Introduction to APIs and RESTful architecture
    • Fetching data from APIs using JavaScript libraries
    • Building applications with real-world data

Module 3: Back-End Development with Servers (12 hours)

  • Server-side Programming Languages:
    • Introduction to popular back-end languages like Python, Node.js, PHP
    • Building web applications with server-side logic
    • Routing, middleware, and web frameworks
  • Databases and Data Management:
    • Introduction to relational databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL)
    • SQL queries and data manipulation
    • Object-relational mapping (ORM) for object-oriented data access
  • Web Security and Authentication:
    • Secure coding practices and authentication mechanisms
    • User management and authorization
    • Data security and encryption

Module 4: DevOps and Deployment (6 hours)

  • Version Control Systems:
    • Introduction to Git for version control and collaboration
    • Branching and merging strategies
    • Version control best practices
  • Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD):
    • Automating build, test, and deployment processes
    • Tools like Jenkins, Travis CI, CircleCI
    • Deploying to cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, Heroku
  • Monitoring and Logging:
    • Monitoring applications for performance and errors
    • Logging and debugging tools
    • Maintaining and scaling web applications

Module 5: Projects and Hands-on Labs (6 hours)

  • Building real-world full-stack web applications:
    • Planning and designing projects
    • Implementing front-end and back-end components
    • Integrating with APIs and databases
    • Deploying applications to production
  • Hands-on labs to practice learned concepts:
    • Working with various web development tools and frameworks
    • Solving real-world coding challenges
    • Collaborating on projects and sharing knowledge

Bonus Module: Emerging Web Development Trends (Optional) (2 hours)

  • Introduction to new technologies and frameworks:
    • WebAssembly and its applications
    • Single-page applications (SPAs) and static site generators
    • Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)
  • Future of web development and trends:
    • Artificial intelligence and machine learning in web applications
    • Decentralized web technologies (Web3)
    • Ethical considerations in web development

Additional Resources:

  • Online courses and tutorials on web development
  • Books and articles on specific technologies and frameworks
  • Open-source libraries and frameworks documentation
  • Online communities and forums for web developers
  • Web development blogs and news websites


  • This is a suggested TOC and can be customized according to the specific needs and experience level of the learners.
  • Additional modules or topics can be included based on specific requirements.
  • Hands-on labs and projects are crucial for practical learning and should be incorporated throughout the training.
  • The bonus module on emerging web development trends is optional and can be added depending on the learners’ interest and future career goals.


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