Job Detail

Data Migration Trainer Required: 20 Hours: Online

  • Job typeJob type: Remote
  • Job Duration20 - 30 Hours
  • Project LevelMid Career Audience
  • //

Project detail

Data Migration


Data migration is the process of transferring data from one data storage system to another and also between data formats and applications. It also involves data transfers between different data formats and applications. The data migration process also includes data preparation, extraction, and transformation. You can learn about the best practices of data migration on Microsoft Learn or Corporate Finance Institute. You can also find courses on Cloud Academy that offer hands-on strategies and techniques for migrating business applications to public cloud services.

Duration: 20 Hours
Mode: Online

Table Of Content Topics Duration
1 Introduction to Data Migration Concepts 2 hours
2 Types of Data Migration 2 hours
3 Planning a Data Migration Project 2 hours
4 Understanding the Source System 2 hours
5 Understanding the Target System 2 hours
6 Mapping the Source to Target 2 hours
7 Data Cleansing Techniques 2 hours
8 Data Validation Techniques 2 hours
9 Error Handling Strategies 2 hours
10 Performance Optimization Strategies 2 hours
11 Testing the Migration Process 2 hours
12 Rollback Strategies 2 hours

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INR Indian rupee