Job Detail

Quantum Computing Trainer Required: 20 Hours

  • Job typeJob type: Remote
  • Job Duration20 - 30 Hours
  • Project LevelExperienced Audience
  • Project deadlineJuly 18, 2026
  • //

Project detail

Quantum Computing Training

This training provides you with an overview of quantum computing, which is a new paradigm that exploits the quantum mechanical properties of matter to perform computations. You will learn the basic concepts and principles of quantum mechanics, quantum information, and quantum algorithms. You will also learn how to use various quantum computing platforms and tools, such as Qiskit, to implement and run quantum programs


Duration: 20 Hours
Mode: Online

Table Of Content: Topics Duration
1 Introduction to AR: Definition, History, Types, and Applications 1 hour
2 AR Hardware and Software: Overview of AR Devices, Sensors, Cameras, and Platforms 2 hours
3 AR Development Process: Planning, Designing, Developing, Testing, and Publishing AR Experiences 2 hours
4 AR Design Principles: User Interface, User Experience, Interaction Techniques, and Storytelling 3 hours
5 AR Development Tools: Unity3D, Vuforia, ARCore, ARKit, and others 4 hours
6 AR Content Creation: 3D Modeling, Animation, Texturing, Lighting, and Sound Effects 4 hours
7 AR Tracking and Recognition: Marker-based, Markerless, Image-based, and Location-based Tracking Methods 3 hours
8 AR Challenges and Future Trends: Technical Limitations, Ethical Issues, Social Implications, and Emerging Opportunities 1 hour


Skills Required

Industry Categories

Languages required

Freelancer type required for this project

Project Completion deadline

February 18, 2026
Select your currency
USD United States (US) dollar