Service Detail

DevOps Training


Training: DevOps

Duration: 40 Hours

Table Of Content

Module 1: Introduction to DevOps (4 hours)

  • What is DevOps?
    • Definition, Principles, and Benefits
    • Traditional vs. DevOps Approach
    • Evolution of DevOps and Agile Methodologies
  • Key Concepts and Terminology:
    • CI/CD Pipeline
    • Version Control Systems (Git)
    • Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
    • Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)
    • Automation and Orchestration
    • Monitoring and Observability
  • DevOps Culture and Practices:
    • Collaboration and Communication
    • Shared Ownership and Responsibility
    • Automation and Continuous Improvement
    • Experimentation and Learning

Module 2: Version Control Systems (Git) (4 hours)

  • Git Fundamentals:
    • Basic Git commands (add, commit, push, pull)
    • Branching and merging strategies
    • Conflict resolution
    • Git tags and releases
  • Advanced Git Topics:
    • Submodules and subtrees
    • Git hooks
    • Large file management
    • Git with CI/CD pipelines
  • Hands-on Lab:
    • Setting up Git environment
    • Creating and managing repositories
    • Branching, merging, and conflict resolution
    • Using Git with CI/CD tools

Module 3: Infrastructure as Code (IaC) (8 hours)

  • IaC Introduction and Benefits:
    • Automating Infrastructure Provisioning
    • Consistency and Repeatability
    • Infrastructure Management at Scale
  • Popular IaC Tools:
    • Terraform
    • Ansible
    • Chef
    • Puppet
  • IaC Best Practices:
    • Modular and reusable code
    • State management and version control
    • Security and compliance considerations
  • Hands-on Labs:
    • Creating IaC templates with Terraform or Ansible
    • Defining infrastructure resources
    • Automating deployments and configuration management

Module 4: Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) (8 hours)

  • CI/CD Pipeline Stages:
    • Source code management
    • Build and test automation
    • Packaging and deployment
    • Monitoring and feedback
  • Popular CI/CD Tools:
    • Jenkins
    • GitLab CI/CD
    • Travis CI
    • CircleCI
  • CI/CD Best Practices:
    • Continuous feedback loop
    • Automated testing and validation
    • Secure deployments and rollbacks
    • Monitoring and performance analysis
  • Hands-on Labs:
    • Setting up and configuring CI/CD tools
    • Building and deploying applications with CI/CD pipelines
    • Implementing automated testing and validation

Module 5: Automation and Orchestration (8 hours)

  • Automation Tools and Scripting:
    • Bash scripting
    • Python scripting
    • Ansible Playbooks
  • Containerization and Docker:
    • Docker basics and image creation
    • Docker Hub and container management
    • Orchestration with Kubernetes
  • Hands-on Labs:
    • Writing automation scripts for infrastructure tasks
    • Building and managing Docker images
    • Deploying containerized applications with Kubernetes

Module 6: Monitoring and Observability (4 hours)

  • Monitoring Tools and Metrics:
    • Prometheus
    • Grafana
    • ELK Stack
  • Logging and Log Management:
    • Fluentd
    • Logstash
    • Kibana
  • Alerting and Incident Management:
    • Setting up alerts and notifications
    • Incident response and resolution
  • Hands-on Labs:
    • Setting up and configuring monitoring tools
    • Collecting and visualizing metrics and logs
    • Creating alerts and responding to incidents

Module 7: DevOps Success Factors and Best Practices (4 hours)

  • DevOps Culture and Communication:
    • Breaking down silos and collaboration
    • Effective communication strategies
    • Building a DevOps team
  • Security in DevOps:
    • Secure coding practices
    • Infrastructure security and compliance
    • Vulnerability management and incident response
  • Continuous Improvement and Learning:
    • Measuring DevOps performance
    • Experimentation and innovation
    • Learning and adapting to new technologies
  • Case Studies and Real-world Examples:
    • Sharing success stories and lessons learned
    • Exploring different DevOps implementations
    • Q&A and discussion

Additional Resources:

  • DevOps Roadmap and Learning Resources
  • Hands-on Labs and Tutorials
  • DevOps Community Forums and Blogs
  • DevOps Certifications and Qualifications
  • Industry Best Practices and Case Studies


  • This is a suggested TOC and can be customized according to the specific needs and experience level of the corporate client.
  • Additional modules or topics can be included based on specific requirements.
  • Hands-on labs and exercises are crucial for practical learning and should be incorporated throughout the training.

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