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Java FSD Training: 36 Hours


Training Name: Java Full Stack Development

Duration: 36 Hours


Table Of Content


Module 1: Introduction to Java Programming (8 hours)

  • 1.1. History and Overview of Java
  • 1.2. Basic Programming Concepts: Variables, Data Types, Operators
  • 1.3. Control Flow Statements: Conditional Statements, Loops
  • 1.4. Functions and Methods
  • 1.5. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Concepts: Classes, Objects, Inheritance, Polymorphism
  • 1.6. Exception Handling
  • 1.7. Introduction to Java Collections Framework
  • 1.8. Hands-on Labs and Exercises

Module 2: Core Java and Data Structures (12 hours)

  • 2.1. Java Fundamentals: Strings, Dates, Time, Input/Output
  • 2.2. Arrays: Introduction, Declaration, Multidimensional Arrays, Operations
  • 2.3. Linked Lists: Implementation, Operations, Applications
  • 2.4. Stacks and Queues: Implementation, Operations, Applications
  • 2.5. Trees: Binary Search Trees, AVL Trees, Applications
  • 2.6. Hashing: Hash Tables, Collision Resolution Techniques
  • 2.7. Introduction to Big O Notation
  • 2.8. Hands-on Labs and Exercises

Module 3: Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) and SQL (8 hours)

  • 3.1. Introduction to Relational Databases (RDBMS)
  • 3.2. SQL Fundamentals: Data Definition Language (DDL), Data Manipulation Language (DML), Data Query Language (DQL)
  • 3.3. Introduction to JDBC: Connecting to Databases, Executing SQL Statements
  • 3.4. Implementing CRUD Operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete)
  • 3.5. Transaction Management
  • 3.6. Database Design Principles
  • 3.7. Hands-on Labs and Exercises

Module 4: Java Servlets and JSP (8 hours)

  • 4.1. Introduction to Web Development and HTTP Protocol
  • 4.2. Java Servlets: Servlet Life Cycle, Request-Response Cycle
  • 4.3. Building Web Applications with Servlets and JSP
  • 4.4. Session Management: Cookies and Hidden Fields
  • 4.5. Error Handling and Exception Management
  • 4.6. Security Considerations in Web Applications
  • 4.7. Introduction to JSP: Scriptlets, Expressions, Directives
  • 4.8. Hands-on Labs and Exercises

Module 5: Java Server Pages (JSP) Advanced Topics (4 hours)

  • 5.1. MVC Design Pattern and JSP
  • 5.2. Custom Tag Libraries
  • 5.3. JSTL (Java Standard Tag Library)
  • 5.4. Internationalization and Localization
  • 5.5. Introduction to HTML and CSS
  • 5.6. Hands-on Labs and Exercises

Module 6: Final Project and Assessment (4 hours)

  • 6.1. Project Development: Choose a project based on learned skills
  • 6.2. Planning, Design, and Implementation
  • 6.3. Testing and Deployment
  • 6.4. Presentation and Evaluation




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