Service Detail

Python Programing


Training: Python Programming Indepth

Duration: 30 Hours


Table Of Content


Module 1: Introduction to Python Programming (6 hours)

  • Python Fundamentals:
    • Variables and data types: Numbers, strings, booleans, lists, tuples, dictionaries
    • Operators: Arithmetic, relational, logical
    • Input and Output
    • Comments and indentation
  • Control Flow Statements:
    • Conditional statements: if-else, elif
    • Looping statements: for, while
    • Nested loops and break/continue statements
  • Functions:
    • Defining and calling functions
    • Arguments and parameters
    • Returning values from functions

Module 2: Data Structures and Algorithms (8 hours)

  • Data Structures:
    • Lists: Operations, slicing, mutability
    • Tuples: Immutable sequences
    • Sets: Unordered collections of unique elements
    • Dictionaries: Key-value pairs
  • Algorithms:
    • Searching and sorting algorithms
    • Time complexity and Big O notation
    • Practical applications of algorithms

Module 3: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in Python (8 hours)

  • Classes and Objects:
    • Defining classes and objects
    • Encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism
    • Special methods: initstr, etc.
  • Modules and Packages:
    • Importing and using modules
    • Creating reusable code
    • Package management with pip
  • Error Handling:
    • Exception handling: try-except blocks
    • Debugging and troubleshooting

Module 4: Advanced Python Topics (8 hours)

  • File I/O:
    • Reading and writing files
    • Using with-statement and context managers
    • Working with CSV and JSON files
  • Regular Expressions:
    • Searching and manipulating text
    • Matching patterns and extracting information
  • Database Access with Python:
    • Connecting to databases using SQLAlchemy
    • Performing CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete)
    • Building simple database applications

Module 5: Hands-on Labs and Projects (6 hours)

  • Practical exercises and coding challenges
  • Building real-world applications using Python
  • Working with APIs and external libraries
  • Presentation and discussion of projects

Bonus Module: Introduction to Web Development with Python (Optional) (2 hours)

  • Flask framework basics:
    • Creating APIs and web applications
    • Handling routes and templates
    • Working with databases and forms
  • Deployment options for Python web applications:
    • Heroku and other cloud platforms
    • Virtual environments and requirements management

Additional Resources:

  • Python documentation and official tutorials
  • Online courses and interactive coding platforms
  • Books and articles on Python programming
  • Open-source libraries and frameworks
  • Python community forums and Stack Overflow


  • This is a suggested TOC and may need to be adjusted based on the specific needs and experience level of the corporate client.
  • Additional modules or topics can be included based on specific requirements.
  • Hands-on labs and projects are crucial for practical learning and should be incorporated throughout the training.
  • The bonus module on web development is optional and can be added based on the client’s interest.


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